Here is a collection of home watch photos, house check photos and home tours that we have conducted for our clients and students in training. Although some of these photos exceed the Scope of Work for a Home Watch Service Provider, we use them to educate our students. It is important to note that during a Home Watch Visit, we only visually observe and report any obvious issues.
Detached Water Heater Flue can allow carbon monoxide gasses into your home. Penfield, NY.
HVAC Vent Pipe and Air Intake are close the the ground and can be easily obstructed by snow and leaves. Brighton, NY.
Steel wool stuffed into a hole on an exterior wall of a home possibly to prevent mice and rodents from coming inside. Hilton, NY.
Ice forming in an HVAC Exhaust Vent in Pittsford, NY. This can lead to a possible safety shut down of your heating system.
HVAC Vent in Pittsford, NY after the ice was removed from it.
Ice forming in an HVAC Exhaust Vent in Brighton, NY. This unit is vented through the attic.
Ice forming on an HVAC Exhaust Discharge Pipe. Brighton, NY.
Door found unlocked during a home watch inspection. Canandaigua Lake, NY
Dan Powell speaking at an awards ceremony in Rochester, NY.
Torn plumbing vent pipe boot on a roof is susceptible to leak. Rochester, NY.
Fresh Garlic hanging to dry. Hornell, NY.
Digital Garage Door Opener is dirty and full of spider webs because the cover wasn't put back on it. Irondequoit, NY.
Cactus growing in Gutters, Tucson, Arizona. Rochester has trees in gutters, Tucson has cactuses lol.
During a home watch inspection in December, I saw a Boater on Conesus Lake. The temperature was 6 Degrees Fahrenheit not including the wind chill.
We keep our clients keys locked up with only numbers to identify them. We keep addresses in a separate location away from keys.
Bushes overgrown on a home are signs of an unoccupied home. Bushes can hide criminals, cause excessive moisture, attract mice and rodents. Henrietta, NY.
Exterior door of a home left open. It was noticed and secured during a home watch visit. Brighton, NY.
Overgrown vegetation, vines, and plants in the gutters. Carlton, NY.