Here is a collection of home watch photos, house check photos and home tours that we have conducted for our clients and students in training. Although some of these photos exceed the Scope of Work for a Home Watch Service Provider, we use them to educate our students. It is important to note that during a Home Watch Visit, we only visually observe and report any obvious issues.
Tuesday, October 19, 2004: Newspaper article in the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle where Dan Powell shares his opinion on New York State Licensing Law before its implementation.
Mildew on clothing within a week of a flooded basement.
Two dead mice found on a home watch visit. The grey one is a house mouse the brown one a field mouse
A windstorm blew a branch onto this main electric service cable causing the line to pull away from the home.
A live bat found in a sump pump crock of a basement.
We operate faucets during our house checks, this one was leaking.
A windstorm blew the roof shingles off this house. Spencerport, NY.
This rodent bait station shows the bait has been eaten indicating rodent activity. Brighton, NY.
Newspapers, leaves and flyers are signs of an unoccupied home. We collect these items during our home watch house checks. Webster, NY.
Just a beautiful view of the finger lakes wine country. We love our job! Canandaigua Lake Area.
Broken garage door spring. Penfield, NY.
The missing downspout extension is causing negative grading sloping back towards the house. Greece, NY.
Squatter Caught after a real estate agent found the squatter in a vacant listing in Greece, NY.
Volunteering at our local Community Food Link in Rochester, NY.
Leaking water heater found on a home watch visit in Brighton, NY.
Tree Blown Over From a Windstorm During a Post Storm House Check. Carlton, NY
Always make sure the icemaker is off when you leave your home unoccupied. Pittsford, NY
This walk up attic shows the exposed spaced slat sheathing and wood shingles. Rochester, NY.
Dirty furnace air filter, we change these at the request of our clients. Mendon, NY.
Water stains observed on the garage ceiling. Webster, NY.
A black mold like substance observed, this can happen in as little as 48 hours of a water leak. Rochester, NY.
Federal Pacific Stab Lok Panels should be evaluated by a licensed electrician for possible product issues. Mendon, NY.
This tree was blown over from a wind storm, we noticed it during an emergency visit. Clarkson, NY
Siding can become loose during high winds, the loose siding shown here was observed during a house check. Irondequoit, NY.
Do you see the problem with this picture?
Dead mouse caught in a snap trap. Brighton, NY.
Exterior dryer vent with damaged louver doors. Rochester, NY.
Old coal, gravity, octopus furnace that has been converted to gas. Silver Lake, NY.
Possible asbestos duct tape on this furnace supply trunk. Rochester, NY.
Possible asbestos duct tape on a furnace cold air return. Rochester, NY.
This living room shows the baseboard heaters ripped out by squatters for the copper pipes inside. Rochester, NY.
This basement ceiling was ripped out by squatters for the copper plumbing pipes. Squatters take the pipes to a salvage yard for money. Rochester, NY.
This bathroom was destroyed by squatters so they could get the copper plumbing out of the walls, cabinets, sink and toilet. Rochester, NY.
Clogged Condensate Drain Pipe for a Central Air Conditioner. Greece, NY.
Cedar Shake Roofing Shingles. Irondequoit, NY.
Flyer of a Red Flags and Disclosure Class Dan Powell Teaches.
New Toilet Flange, this is what secures your toile to the floor.
Bat in a Sump Pump Crock.
Rare, Old, Gas light fixture and gas plumbing. Rochester, NY.
Old Electric Fuse Box, These Were Used Before Electric Breaker Panel Boxes. Rochester, NY.
Bat Hanging on a Gable Vent in an Attic. Rochester, NY.
Students Learn How to Check Houses for Red Flags and Disclosures. Kendall, NY.
This Plumbing Vent Boot has holes in it causing a leak inside to a bedroom ceiling. Spencerport, NY.
This floor drain is empty of water. We run the water into sinks and drains during our home watch visit. Brighton, NY.
This soffit vent is missing a screen. Birds have built a nest inside the soffit. Brighton, NY.
Dead mouse found on a home watch visit. Rochester, NY.
HVAC furnace vent and fresh air intake pipes missing caulk. Webster, NY.
Water leaking out of a ceiling speaker coming from the bathroom above. Pittsford, NY.
An outside hose faucet with an icicle from frozen water. Rochester, NY.
A broken window observed. Fairport, NY.
A downspout blew off a gutter after a wind storm. Perinton, NY.